Monday, October 18, 2010

Kaplan's Strategic Maps

Who is Kaplan? I didn't know this famous author/researcher/world class consultant until Pak Rudy, my KM lecturer forced us to read 2 important books for Knowledge Management class: The Minto Piramid Principle and Strategic Maps by Kaplan and Norton. The Minto Piramid Principle book talks about how to map a problem with SCQA (situation - complication - question - answer) framework, and The Minto Piramid Principle book is about strategy maps framework.

Back to Mr. Kaplan -- before writing Strategy Maps book, apparently Kaplan is the founder of  one of the most influential measurement tool in management, "Balanced Scorecard". Back to 1990s when the balanced scorecard wass widely used, most of companies were having problem in measuring their performance. The balanced scorecard was measuring performance through financial perspective, and it could only measure tangible assets. Since the knowledge based asset were becoming significantly important to the company also, balanced scorecard was not able to convert intangible assets into tangible ones. The philosophy of this strategic maps is that you cannot manage what you cannot measure, and you cannot measure what you cannot describe. Therefore, other tools are required to illustrate company strategies. This Strategic Maps book stated that the successful execution of a strategy requires three components:
Breakhtrough results = strategy maps + balanced scorecard + strategy focused organization

In order to map company strategy, four kinds of perspective are used: financial, costumer, internal, and learning and growth.

Last week, my group in Knowledge Management class were having opportunity to do presentation about this Strategic Map - chapter 3: Operations Management Process. Through his presentation, we were asked to share information about the implementation of strategic maps in companies who are focusing their strategy to increase profit in operations aspects.

For those who would like to see our presentation slide, please visit links below :).
Intro - Chapter 3-4
Chapter 3

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